We have some great stockists in your region, everything from supermarkets to specialty stores. Know of any places that might like to stock ViBERi Blackcurrants? Contact Us
•Health & Herbs, Shop 62 Richmond Mall, Richmond 7020, New Zealand
•Berrylands, 108 Appleby Highway, Richmond
•Bodywise, 22 Bridge St, Nelson
•BeetRoot Motueka, High Street, Motueka
•Fresh Choice Nelson City, 69 Collingwood St, Nelson
•Golden Bay Organics, 47 Commercial St, Takaka
•Hardy's Health Store, Richmond Mall, Richmond
•Swedish Bakery, 54 Bridge St, Nelson
•New World, High St, Motueka
•New World Nelson City
•Fresh Choice Richmond, 216 Queen St, Richmond
•New World Nelson 73 Vanguard St, Nelson
•Organic Foods Nelson 93 Collingwood St, Nelson
•Benge & Co Green Grocers 60 Montgomery St, Nelson
• Benge & Co Green Grocers 184-186 Queen St, Richmond
•Countdown Trafalgar Park Nelson (Frozen Only)